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Die Original Sensible Seeds-Website richtet sich an Personen über 18 Jahre. Alle auf dieser Website verkauften Cannabissamen dienen ausschließlich Geschenkzwecken. Der Anbau von Cannabissamen ist in vielen oder den meisten Ländern illegal. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, sich vor der Bestellung bei Ihrem eigenen Geschäft zu erkundigen. Original Sensible Seeds bietet eine kostenlose, vollständige Nachverfolgung in Deutschland, Europa und Großbritannien (der kostenlose Versand hängt vom Wert der Bestellung ab).
Exclusive access for adults only
This website is INTENDED for adults (18+) and provides content that is related to Cannabis. We use cookies on our website to help us improve and deliver a higher quality user experience. Some of the cookies we use are essential for the site to operate and, in particular, to allow you to shop from our website. The information provided on this site is intended for entertainment, medicinal and educational purposes only. Original Sensible Seeds are not responsible for the misuse or illegal use according to the law of each country regarding the traded products. Original Sensible Seeds comply with Spanish legislation.
By confirming your age and clicking on “ENTER” you will have acknowledged and agree to allow cookies to be saved onto your computer. Confirmation that you are an adult aged 18+ or older, aware of the information provided on our website is in relation to cannabis.